Tooth Extractions – Arlington, TX

Safe & Comfortable Tooth Removal

Our goal at Sonria Dentista of Arlington is to help our patients preserve their natural teeth for as long as possible. However, in cases of advanced decay or breakage, sometimes the only way to protect the rest of the mouth is to remove the problem tooth. We put our patients’ comfort at the forefront whenever we perform a tooth extraction in Arlington, so if you or your child ever need one, you can trust the process will be smooth and easy.

Why Choose Sonria Dentista of Arlington for Tooth Extractions?

  • Same-Day Emergency Dental Appointments Available
  • Dental Insurance & Medicaid Welcome
  • Soothing Sedation Dentistry Options

When Are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

Dental forceps holding a tooth after tooth extraction in Arlington

A tooth extraction may be necessary when a tooth is severely damaged or decayed and cannot be saved with other dental treatments such as fillings or root canals. Tooth extraction may also be recommended for impacted wisdom teeth, teeth that are overcrowded and causing alignment issues, or for patients undergoing orthodontic treatment.