Dentures – Arlington, TX

Smile Confidently with Dentures

closeup of woman smiling

Used to bring back smiles by replacing missing teeth, dentures have been around for many years. Thankfully, they're now crafted from lifelike materials that not only appear natural, but also work better, improving everyday activities like eating and speaking. At Sonria Dentista of Arlington, our team is eager to kickstart your smile transformation journey. To learn more about this service, continue reading or give us a call to schedule a consultation!

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dentures?

man smiling while sitting in dental chair

Dentures offer more versatility than you might think. They can restore multiple missing teeth, whether they're scattered throughout an arch or a whole row. When you come in for your first consultation, we will carefully examine your mouth and discuss all available options with you. Together, we'll figure out the best solution to match your lifestyle and requirements. It's important to replace missing teeth promptly to prevent future oral health complications like gum disease and decay.

Types of Dentures

Depending on your specific tooth loss situation, our team may recommend one of these denture types to restore your smile's function and appearance. During your initial consultation, we'll thoroughly go over the pros and cons of each option and provide you with a cost estimate.

Partial Dentures

closeup of partial denture

Partial dentures are made with a gum-colored acrylic base, typically supported by metal. This base is custom designed to fit snugly around your natural teeth, securing the replacement teeth in position to fill gaps across your arch. These partials are removable, which makes them simple to clean and maintain.

Full Dentures

closeup of full denture on table

Traditional full dentures are designed to restore a complete set of teeth by adhering to the jawbone and gums through suction. They come with a realistic gum-colored acrylic base and porcelain or ceramic prosthetic teeth. These prosthetic teeth can significantly enhance your biting strength and overall quality of life.

Implant Dentures

implant denture on table

Implant dentures combine the natural appearance of traditional dentures with advanced technology. By surgically implanting small titanium posts beneath the gumline to replace the missing tooth roots, we can securely anchor restorations in your mouth. These restorations are stable and both function and resemble natural teeth.

The Benefits of Dentures

older couple smiling at each other

Choosing dentures with comes with numerous benefits. Here are some incredible advantages you can look forward to:

  • Improved biting capability
  • Enhanced ability to enjoy a variety of foods
  • Better speech
  • Long-lasting prosthetics, lasting 7+ years with proper care
  • Easy maintenance
  • Preservation of your facial shape